Thursday, January 8, 2015

Coconut Chocolate Bar

1-1½  Tb cocoa powder 
1/8 tsp low-carb sweetener, such as stevia or ¼ tsp xylitol(Start small amount of sweetener and add more according to your taste)
Optional ingredients:
1/4 cup raisins 
1 Tb almonds, finely chopped 
Cinnamon to taste (I usually use ¼ tsp)

Melt the coconut oil to a liquid, add in cocoa powder and sweetener.

 Stir to combine and blend well. 

If adding any optional ingredients, blend in. 

Pour mixture into something like a “Ziploc Snap ‘n Seal Container”. 

Pop it in refrigerator or freezer on a level shelf and let it sit 20 minutes or so.

 It will harden quickly.  Just pop the bar out and break into pieces and ENJOY!
This recipe is great for diabetics or people on low-carb diets.... or just people in general!  

(Submitted by Jackie, from CalgaryAlberta--Thank you!)

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